History of Gamma Pi Lambda

Project:  “The History of Gamma Pi Lambda” is Underway!

Gamma Pi Lambda in the 1980’s (click the picture to identify the Brothers)

As you know, many of the records depicting the history were lost in the wake of the 2008 hurricane, Ike.  Efforts to recover the history of Gamma Pi Lambda are continuing.

Here is what we have recovered, so far–

Gamma Pi Lambda was chartered in January of 1947, and it is widely accepted that John Henry Clouser was the first sitting president.  Four other charter members have been identified:  Brothers Frank Windom, Melvin Howard, James Sweatt and Willard “Dick” Dickerson.  Digital records from our National Office indicate that 75 Brothers have been associated with our chapter, but those records do not cover the rolls prior to 1960.  Adding the “known” Brothers (prior to 1960) increases that total to 89 members, 23 who are active–26 are Omega Chapter members.

Here are the Brothers (40) whose status remains to be determined:

Abington, Brian Edwards, Herman D. Lange, Jr., Mr. Wayne A.
Allen, Danny A. Ford, Steven D. Matthews, Jr., John M.
Amos, Aaron A. Franklin, Leroy N. Myles, III, John Q.
Armstrong, Sr., Robert L. Garrett, Gerald L. Obot, Ettiowo A.
Arrington, Ronald Godley, Bernard F. Porter M.D., Clarence
August, Bruce A. Graves, Hollis L. Prince, Michael A.
Boatner, Mckinley Haggerty, Torrance R. Roberson, Eric D.
Brooks, Don L. Hayes, Ernest G. Robertson, Charles R.
Carrethers, Duwayne E. Holmes, Ronald Shannon, George J.
Conley, Stephen Jackson, Roderick J. Stanton, Robert
Conner, Charles J. Johnson, Patrick Watkins, Danny L.
Crandle,  Vernon Johnson, Vernon C. Williams, Eugene E.
Dillon, Ray D. Kay, Walter G. Winfield, Ike W.
Drake, Cassius M. Kellough, Kenneth W.

In order to advance the recovery history of Gamma Pi Lambda we need any information, pictures, obituaries, or information regarding any of the above Brothers.  Please send all (or any) to:


For more history please see obituary pages for John Henry Clouser,  Melvin Howard, Frank Windom, James Sweatt, and Willard Dickerson